Friday, August 31, 2012

Chapter 6 Question # 3

I like the Boss concept of constructing an argument. There are eight different steps to follow when you construct an argument. The first step is where you state the issue or in other words what are you going to be addressing in your argument. The second step is to develop a list of premises (proposition in argument that supports the conclusion). The third step is to eliminate weak or irrelevant premises. All of your premises should relevant to the issue you are talking about and having unnecessary premises will take out the focus of your argument. The fourth step to follow when constructing an argument is to establish a conclusion. The fifth step is to organize your argument. There are many different ways to organize an argument such as with an essay or a diagram. The sixth step is to try out your argument on others. This is very important because sometimes having others listen will make you realize that your argument isn’t as strong and is need of some changes. The seventh step is to revise and finally the eighth step is to put your solution or conclusion into action. All of these eight steps are extremely important in constructing out own argument that is strong and proves your point. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Chapter 6 Question # 2

About a year ago I went with my friend to a rave. I didn’t know anyone there except her and she kind of forced to me to go with her for her birthday so I went. This was my first rave and one of the worst experiences of my life. I remember standing there like an awkward turtle and not seeing one familiar face because my friend had suddenly disappeared in the crowd. All of a sudden there was at least seven different faces around me telling me to pop a pill. I have never in my life done drugs and I don’t plan to in the future. The peer pressure came on and continuously these people that I have never met before kept forcing me to do drugs for what seemed hours. I stood my ground and kept saying no but still felt like bursting out in tears. One of the guys around me even tried to stick it in my mouth forcefully. That is when I completely lost it and found myself listing out the reasons to them on why to not do drugs. They looked at me like I was insane and called me crazy and all of these other names as they left. Finally, I found my friend Sarah and I gave her a huge lecture on how she knows that I don’t do drugs so why would she bring me to a rave where she knows something like this would happen to me. She told me I need to loosen up a little, party hardy, and that I was making a big deal out of nothing. I still didn’t agree with her at all and this argument kept on drastically increasing. I then came to realize that we were obviously two different people with two different beliefs. What she thinks is okay to do, I obviously didn’t. This incident really tested our friendship.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Chapter 6 Question # 1

President Barak Obama opposing legalization of same sex marriage on a federal level however supporting civil unions and equal rights for same sex couples is a little incoherent and not consistent. In other words Obama does not want gay people to be allowed to get married, however, when gay people can be married and people who dislike this try to take away this right, Obama doesn’t want the right to be taken away. If the president is against gay marriage, he contradicts himself by being against the amendments to ban gay marriage also. It seems to me that he is trying to get on the good side of all of the citizens that support or don’t support gay marriage.After hearing Nava and Dawidoff’s argument that prohibiting same-sex marriage is a denial of the basic rights of gays and lesbian who wish to marry, Obama might not really respond to the argument. The argument was basically saying that gays want to have the same rights as everyone else who is heterosexual and that they should be treated equally. I feel like Obama is really trying to play the good guy by trying not to displease anyone.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

About me!

Hi everyone!

I am currently a Sophomore at San Jose State University. I like taking online classes because it fits better with my schedule. Right now I am a chad major. I love working with children and a lot of my experience over the years has always revolved around children. I volunteer at the San Jose Family Shelter where I tutor children and I also worked at Kumon which also tutors children. I also volunteer  at the Associated Students Child Development Center where I just played with children and helped out the teacher. I was born in London and now live in San Jose and I love it here and SJSU! I'm looking forward to this class!