Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Chapter 10 Question # 3

An advertising strategy that I found to be incredibly interesting was product placement. According to the text, product placement is a strategy in which a real commercial product is used in fictional media, and the presence of the product is the result of an economic exchange between the company and the business that produces the product” (321). Personally, I feel like this is an effective way for companies to advertise something because they don’t even need to use a commercial. Nike is one of the biggest sport apparel company’s around. If someone is watching a running match and the runner is wearing a pair of Nikes and the logo of Nike is clearly shown through the television screen. Then the views watching the race may want to purchase the item, especially if the runner won. This is because they may thing that the person won the race because of the Nike shoes that they wore, so they would purchase the same thing which profits the company because of their strategy. 

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