There has been many times where I was
mistaken and thought something of a certain situation and I was wrong. An
example of this is one day when I came into work, my boss was in a really bad
mood. Usually she is extremely happy, smiley, and bubbly. However, on that
particular day she was very grumpy, sad, and it seemed like she was really
pissed off. I thought that she was mad at me about something that I did wrong
during my entire shift. I was constantly paranoid and was rethinking my steps
and trying to figure out what I had done wrong. I was so scared that she was
going to fire me. However, by the end of the day we all found out the real
reason she was upset and it had nothing to do with any of her employees and it
has something to do with a person reason. I realized that you can’t just assume
something unless you really think about the situation.
I agree with you that you can't assume things. When I assume things, it usually ends up not being true, but I feel like it's just a habit. This event that occurred to you has happened to me before as well. It's just hard to not think that you did something wrong if your boss isn't giving you the time of day. I personally think it's crazy how little things like that can change your whole mood because you think it was your fault for the mood that they're in. I'm glad to hear that you or any of the other employees were the cause of your boss's mood, but it's sad to hear that something happening in her personal life is causing her have a mood switch.