Thursday, November 15, 2012

Chapter 12 Question # 3

The scientific method is something I found really interesting and I remember learning about this also in middle school The scientific method is “a proves involving the rigorous, systematic application of observation and experimentation”(373). Likewise to the three levels of thinking, it is dynamic with analysis of the observation to check for similarities and interpretation for more revision. The scientific method includes steps that guide the scientist through the analysis of their observations. The first step is to identify the problem and the second is to develop a hypothesis. This is followed by the third step, which is to gather more information and to improve the hypothesis. Finally, the fifth step is to evaluate the results of the tests or the experiments. Each and every single one of these steps are important. Without any one of them your experiment may not be a success simply because you didn’t improve the hypothesis or because you didn’t analyze your observation. 

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