Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Chapter 2 Question # 2

Evolution and a belief in God are incompatible as Dawkins claims. If you believe in evolution then believing in God doesn’t fit or make any sense. This is because Evolution is the idea that all living things on this Earth came from a single organism, like how from a cell came a human being. Believing in Evolution, God would not have been able to create this earth and the world we live in which is the common belief in today’s society. Dawkins bring out many points, which support the belief in God and how the belief in evolution is incompatible. An example of this is, the argument from degree.  He states that just because someone is not the maximum of something that doesn’t mean that there is God or a higher being. To this Aquinas would probably respond by arguing that the idea that God does not exist is not fully supported by Dawkins with examples or evidence, rather than just from personal beliefs or his own view points. 

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