Thursday, September 6, 2012

Chapter 8 Question # 3

Deductive arguments are presented in a form of syllogisms with two supporting premises and a conclusion. A deductive argument is valid where the form or patter of reasoning is where the conclusion must be true if the premises are assumed to be true. There are several types of deductive arguments including; arguments by elimination, arguments based on mathematics, and arguments by definition. The first one, argument by elimination is a deductive argument that rule out different possibilities until only one remains. The second one, an argument based on mathematics is a deductive argument in which the conclusion depends on a mathematical calculation. The last one is the argument from definition which is a deductive argument in which conclusion is true because it is based on the definition of a key term. These are all important ways to present deductive argument and the different forms of syllogisms. It is important to have a valid form of a deductive argument. 

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