Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Further Discussion

In this class I have learned a lot and I found all of the concepts learned in this course to be interesting and helpful. I know that all of the material I have learned throughout this course will help me in my future. On concept that I really enjoyed learning about was the marketing strategies and about advertisements. This was my favorite chapter because everything the book talked about was true. I had no idea about the store strategies when they try to get us customers stay longer to buy more things that they didn’t plan on buying in the first place. Before reading this chapter I had no idea this took place, however, when I think about it now, I realize that their strategy does work, because in the end I do end up buying something I didn’t plan for. I learned a lot of new information about marketing and advertisements through this chapter. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Favorite and least favorite things

One of my favorite things about this online course was having the ability to work at my own pace. Even though it did require a lot of work, I was willing to put in the effort and take out time just for this class. Another thing I liked about this class is that I was able to meet new people. I didn’t think we would meet our peers because it was an online class but with the Group Facilitation project, we got together and worked on it as a team. The last thing I liked about this class was all of the information learned throughout the entire course, because I know it will benefit me in the future. One of my least favorite things about this class was having to wait 12 hours for the next post! Sometimes I just like to get things done in just one go and do everything all together. This cannot really be improved because some people actually do work better when their work is spaced out. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

What I have learned

I have learned a lot from this class. Prior to taking this class I assumed that this was going to be a very simple and easy class because it was online. However, I was proven wrong because this class requires a lot of work. But in the end this class has taught me so much. For example, I am able to manage my time more wisely, because with this course I had to make sure I took out time to focus on this class in order to get an A. One of the main concepts I leaned thought this course was how to examine and how to form an argument. This is an essential thing to know and learn because you use it in your every day life and in your future career. Having skills to examine arguments will allow you to be affective in your own arguments and will allow you to succeed further. 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Chapter 12 Question # 3

The scientific method is something I found really interesting and I remember learning about this also in middle school The scientific method is “a proves involving the rigorous, systematic application of observation and experimentation”(373). Likewise to the three levels of thinking, it is dynamic with analysis of the observation to check for similarities and interpretation for more revision. The scientific method includes steps that guide the scientist through the analysis of their observations. The first step is to identify the problem and the second is to develop a hypothesis. This is followed by the third step, which is to gather more information and to improve the hypothesis. Finally, the fifth step is to evaluate the results of the tests or the experiments. Each and every single one of these steps are important. Without any one of them your experiment may not be a success simply because you didn’t improve the hypothesis or because you didn’t analyze your observation. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Chapter 12 Question # 2

There has been many times where I was mistaken and thought something of a certain situation and I was wrong. An example of this is one day when I came into work, my boss was in a really bad mood. Usually she is extremely happy, smiley, and bubbly. However, on that particular day she was very grumpy, sad, and it seemed like she was really pissed off. I thought that she was mad at me about something that I did wrong during my entire shift. I was constantly paranoid and was rethinking my steps and trying to figure out what I had done wrong. I was so scared that she was going to fire me. However, by the end of the day we all found out the real reason she was upset and it had nothing to do with any of her employees and it has something to do with a person reason. I realized that you can’t just assume something unless you really think about the situation. 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Chapter 12 Question # 1

Libra Daily Horoscope
Libra Daily Horoscope

Today's Libra Horoscope from Cafe Astrology

November 12, 2012

A Solar Eclipse occurs tomorrow, dear Libra, and this generally acts to stir up activity. However, considering the last New Moon was in your sign, overall this will be a calmer, less visible period for you. Nevertheless, important decisions may be required of you in the next few weeks, particularly revolving around personal finances and business, so today it would be wise to clear your head. Avoid the compulsion to control events today.

 Creativity: Excellent ~ Love: Good ~ Business: Fair

This was my horoscope for the day according to I do not believe in horoscopes at all. Sometimes when I’m at the doctors or at the dentist and there is a magazine in sight, I will look at it and turn to the horoscope page and read it. However, I do not believe anything it says because the prediction isn’t really accurate. Some people really do believe in horoscopes and its true sometimes they are true for some people, but not everyone. I feel like there is a 50% chance that it may be right or may be wrong.  On page 381 of the text, Boss states the hypothesis that, “‘all swans are white’ was based on observations of hundreds of thousands of swans, every one of which was white. However, the hypothesis was falsifiable, since it would take only one swan to prove it false.” Likewise to my horoscope’s hypothesis, I will have important decisions revolving around finances and business.  I don’t work at my old job anymore or do not own anything so I don’t have any business, and for finance, I have a guarantor for my apartment at the moment, and I have enough money for my utilities and for other expenses from my bank. This is falsifiable because I do not have any business and do not think I will have any finance problems, therefore my horoscope is most likely incorrect.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Chapter 11 Question # 3

The section about Internet was the most interesting to me this chapter for this weeks reading. This reading portion talks about how Internet affects our daily lives, what a large impact it has, and analysis social networking and the misusing of Internet. According to THINK by Judith Boss, “The internet is affecting daily life by reshaping social dynamics among young people” (353). I agree wit this because it really does have an impact on the way I communicate with others. Social networking is one of the biggest reasons students spend so much time on the Internet. Internet has both a good and a bad side. It is good because you are able to spread the word throughout Internet sites, such as yahoo news or ads. However, there is a downside. The Internet allows information to be so easily accessed. So many peoples privacy is stepped upon and are left with no privacy what so ever. Internet is an excellent type of technology; it just needs to be more secure so that it doesn’t invade privacy.