Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Chapter 3 Question # 1

After reading about Sally Ride, I noticed a few qualities that she demonstrated from the Boss Text in Chapter One. A skilled critical thinker have many characteristics which include good analytical skills, possessing effective communication skills, being well informed and possessing good research skills, being flexible and able to tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty and being able to adopt a position of open-minded skepticism. Some other characteristics include being a problem solver, being mindful and attentive, and also having the ability to engage in collaborative learning. Likewise, Sally Ride was described as being a focused, composed, and having being able to quickly figure things out. This shows that she is creative with problem solving. Additionally, she used strategies such as making a plan to reach her goals. Rides effectiveness of her communication skills were brilliant because she was a good writer and a speaker. Overall she demonstrated many characteristics of a skilled critical thinker. 

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